Local Area Plan update-Nov2022
Residents are encouraged to share their views with Ward 6 Councillor Richard Pootmans at Eaward6@calgary.ca and register to speak and attend debate on the Westbrook LAP on December 8 at the Infrastructure and Planning Committee, then again in early in January at City Council. Glendale community members can connect with me at president@myglendale.ca.

Local Area Plan Sees Glendale as Mix of Semis, row-housing and apartment blocks
By Chris Welner, President, Glendale/Glendale Meadows Community Association
The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan under consideration by Calgary City Council envisions Glendale as a neighbourhood developed with semi-detached homes, row housing and four storey apartment blocks.
In the map released at a public engagement session on Nov. 7 and published here, the light pink area indicates areas where the LAP would support two homes per lot, such as three-storey single, or semi-detached infills and secondary suites (R-C2 zoning). This is most of the lots in Glendale.
The darker coral properties support development of three or more ground oriented homes per existing lot. Buildings in the rear yard may be up to two storeys (R-CG zoning). These properties surround Turtle Hill, Optimist Park, the Community Association park, and properties closest to the 45th Street LRT and BRT on 37th Street. They are also marked on every street corner.
The purple strips along 45th Street SW and 26th Avenue SW indicate areas that support development of three or more ground-oriented homes. Buildings in the rear yards may be up to three storeys. (H-GO zoning).
The grey strip along 17th Avenue SW, 45th Street, and 37th Street SW indicate areas that support four-storey buildings or greater, such as apartment blocks.
A Local Area Plan does not automatically change the land use of anyone’s property. If approved, the policy will support applications by property owners for such changes.
The Glendale Community Association recognizes that our neighbourhood needs to grow and supports density development of the perimeter of the community. While we do not claim to speak for every resident, our Association continues to advocate to protect the R-C1 character of properties in the community’s interior. Glendale has proposed a density plan focused on the neighbourhood’s perimeter streets that would add approximately 2,300 new homes to our community of 1,158 homes. We will continue to press for changes to this planning policy that align more with residents’ vision.
Residents are encouraged to share their views with Ward 6 Councillor Richard Pootmans at Eaward6@calgary.ca and register to speak and attend debate on the Westbrook LAP early in January at City Council. Glendale community members can connect with me at president@myglendale.ca.
To read the full Westbrook LAP, visit https://engage.calgary.ca/westbrook.