
In 2024 there was a slight upgrade to GGMCA signs. The board was able to get the pylon sign working again, there’s a new plaque sign mounted in the Glendale Community Hall, and there some A-Frame signs about the property that are used for wayfinding and event signage.

The A-Frame signs all have a QR code that allows the curious reader with a cell phone or other mobile device to learn more about the situation around that sign. The QR codes mostly point back to web pages on the GGMCA. If you are reading this page, you may have clicked on a QR code on a sign that didn’t have a more specific message or we missed updating that sticker on the sign. If you see another sign on the GGMCA property, take a pic of its QR code to get more details about its message.

Below are some of the examples of the signs we are using at GGMCA.